The podcast from Oliver König

Coaching for your ears


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Freehand - change and lead: The podcast by Oliver König

Hands-free cycling – we’ve all ridden a bike like this before. It’s a feeling of freedom and takes courage. Both are equally important: lift your gaze and let go of the handlebars – and keep moving at the same time. Don’t stick doggedly to the handlebars or ride free-floating towards the next tree. Instead, use the ride hands-free to gain new perspectives. This is how change happens.

That’s what the podcast is about

  1. Sharing my knowledge and experience of organisational and personal development
  2. Talking to interesting people about these topics
  3. Encouraging and inspiring others to find their own voice
  4. Learning for themselves

Target audience

– Entrepreneurs, managing directors and managers
– Consultants, organisational developers, coaches and HR professionals

– For everyone who is undergoing change or wants change
– For everyone who wants to change their organisation
– For everyone who wants to lead better
– For everyone who wants to think outside the box in business
– For everyone who wants to work more meaningfully and happily

Formats and length

Dialogues with experts from business, entrepreneurship, science or other exciting fields (30-60 min.)

Solo podcasts (10-15 min.)
– change impulses
– mindfulness moments

Guests and their topics

Thomas Robrecht

Teams in 3 Stunden wieder arbeitsfähig machen (#002)

Sascha Boampong

Digitales Unternehmertum (#010)

Katharina Krentz

Working Out Loud (#012)

Prof. Dr. Jutta Heller

Resilienz für Unternehmen (#015)

Birgit Minor

Die Wirkung von Sprache (#016)

Susanne Lypold

Heldenreise (#017)

Swen Heidenreich

Authentisch sein & führen (#019)

Janik Eggler

Fliegen & Führen (#021)

Jan Poczynek

Digitale Organisationsentwicklung (#022)

Olaf Hinz

Change Maker (#024)

Fernand Braun

Die Kunst der Kontemplation (#025)

Brigitta Nickelsen

Veränderungsprozesse bei Radio Bremen (#029)

Michael Faschingbauer

Unternehmerischer Mut in Organisationen (#036)

Ben MacKenzie

Prototyping im Change (#038)

Franziska Kluttig

In Übergangsprozessen SEIN (#040)

Johannes Seemüller

Wie Sportstars Krisen meistern (#042)

Christian Kaiser

Dialogformate + Experimente zur Unternehmenstransformation bei der DATEV (#044)

Markus Hanauer

Menschliche + professionelle Kultur bei Spirit Link (#046)

Silke Reinhardt

Transformation von Führung (#047)

Marion Winners

Transformation von Führung (#047)

Sascha Weigel

Konfliktmanagement in Organisationen (#048)

Stefan Kühl

(Streit-)Gespräch zu Veränderung in Organisationen (#049)

Matthias Meifert

(Streit-)Gespräch zu Veränderung in Organisationen (#049)

Markus Schwemmle

Metaperspektiven (#051)

Martin Claßen

Veränderung vom Business her denken (#053)

Andreas Grabenstein

Zwischen Welten vermitteln (#055)

Simon Dückert

lernOS für Organisationen und Selbstlernprozesse (#057)

Lena Marbacher

(Streit-)Gespräch: Menschlichkeit in Organisationen (#058)

Klaus Eidenschink

(Streit-)Gespräch: Menschlichkeit in Organisationen (#058)

Rene Kusch

Einsätze von Persönlichkeitsprofilen für Veränderungsprozesse (#059)

Ralf Schmitt

als Unternehmer in einer Krisenbranche / Einblicke in die Event- und Veranstaltungsbranche (#061)

Oliver Haas

Tiefgreifende Transformationen in Organisationen (#062)

Stephanie Borgert

Reflexion von Mustern in Managementteams (#063)

Ulrich Dehner

Introvision im Coaching (#064)

Volker Köhninger

Unternehmerische Verantwortung und persönliche Entwicklung (#065)

Prof. Carsten Schermuly

New Work (#066)

Jelena Klingenberg

New Work (#066)

Jörg Middendorf

Das Coaching Business (#067)

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Oliver König

About me

I have been supporting people in organisations in their change processes for 20 years. I am characterised by my calm presence, my clear focus and my enjoyment of personal encounters. Let’s talk.

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